5 Laundry Room Home Addition Ideas - LBK Design Build (2024)

\Having a washer and dryer simply shoved into a closet as your laundry space can make doing the essential task an absolute nightmare. You have no space for detergents and supplies or to hang and fold clothes. Adding a well-designed laundry room home addition can not only take some of the drag out of doing endless laundry, but gives you the space you need to spread out and organize yourself which makes the process less overwhelming.

5 Laundry Room Home Addition Ideas

When doing laundry, pay attention to how your family uses the space. How much laundry is used, what products do you need, and how is doing laundry made more difficult by your current layout. Talk with your design-build team about these experiences when designing the new space. Here are 5 laundry room home addition ideas to consider to improve your experience and increase the value of your home.

1. Have A Convenient Location For Your Laundry Room Home Addition

One of the worst things about doing laundry is having to lug it up and down a flight of stairs or to the completely opposite end of the house. For this reason, choosing a convenient location for your laundry room home addition is a must.

Our top recommendation is to have the laundry room located right off the master bedroom. Insert a pocket door with a basket right below to avoid long trips. For bedrooms that may be upstairs, you can even install a laundry chute for the same purpose.

2. Storage Space

Install open shelves near your washer and dryer to easily reach detergents, fabric sheets, and scent boosters. For extra linens, used closed cabinetry to avoid the accumulation of dust and lint.

To give your laundry room a clean look, use clear canisters to store your detergents and dryer balls. Place the remaining supplies in lower cabinetry to store until your next refill. This allows you to avoid the crowding of your visible storage areas with clunky neon detergent packaging.

3. Add A Large Counter Space To Your Laundry Room Home Addition

Installing a large countertop space in your laundry room home addition is not only an easy way to add to the aesthetic of your design but a great way to add function as well. White quartz countertops will help to brighten up the space and are a handy place to fold and stack towels and linens. Plus! They’re incredibly easy to clean which is perfect for sticky detergent spills.

4. Drying Rack With Hanger Storage

Gone are the days where you have to hang delicates on door handles and countertops throughout your home. The solution? A retractable dryer rack. A retractable dryer rack can come out from a wall or as an upper cabinetry drawer and can save you tons of space and hassle. Simply pull out the attachment, hang what you need, and push it back in once you’re done. Ensure that you have a storage place for hangers as well to limit the amount of back and forth.

5. Attractive Utility Sink & Finishes

Doing laundry is a task that we ALL dread. You look into your laundry room and just see clutter, sticky detergent spills and an ugly, clunky plastic utility sink. The result of this? We avoid this space, which only leads to more mess.

When designing your laundry room home addition choose materials and finishes that give you joy and make doing the chores even just a little bit more enjoyable. Your design-build team can help you choose materials that not only fit your aesthetic but can stand the test of time in terms of function

Your utility sink for example can be stainless steel, which is easier to clean, more pleasant to look at, and more durable than white plastic. Or you can repurpose an aluminum basin or wooden barrel for a more unique look.

When it comes to finishes though, you don’t need to stop there! Add a unique faucet, backsplash, and decorative pieces to give the room personality.

LBK Design Build Laundry Room Addition Contractors

When adding a laundry room home addition, you need experienced contractors to handle plumbing, permits, construction, and design. Did you know that having your designers and builders on one team can get custom home additions done 34% faster? At LBK Design Build, you work with one expert design-build team and our designers collect a stunning assortment of materials based on your style and budget. We have completed hundreds of Pennsylvania home additions and always treat your home the way we would treat our own. We provide quality remodeling you can trust so you can stop worrying about remodeling and start enjoying your dream home.

5 Laundry Room Home Addition Ideas - LBK Design Build (6)

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5 Laundry Room Home Addition Ideas - LBK Design Build (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.